Limiting beliefs are detrimental to your health, without you even realizing it!
Let's break this down. What is a limiting belief you might ask?
A limiting belief is a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth and stops you from doing or believing certain things about yourself or the world around you.
We all have limiting beliefs. Some are related to money and others are related to the way we think we deserve to be treated. We can have limited beliefs about relationships, our health or our abilities. Limiting beliefs are formulated early in life by relationships that develop with parental figures, through the school system and from religious establishments. (i.e., If you don't live a certain way you are going to hell.) They are usually not your true views at all but in fact, are imposed upon you by society and social convention. Over years and decades of holding these values as our truth, we believe them! The fact is, you are the creator of your reality and have the ability to change these beliefs at WILL and lead a better, more healthy life.
As a child growing up with a severe disability, I was very dependent on others for my care. I didn't have limiting beliefs that I was aware of as a child but as an adult, and with the development of consciousness, I started to feel as if I was a burden to those around me. This is my biggest limiting belief. Sharing a moment of vulnerability, I feel that because I need more help than the average person, the people in my life will view me as a burden and don't really want to help care for me. I'm 100% AWARE that this is a limiting belief! And this belief is directly related to my health, which a lot of people with health conditions hold about themselves. They feel they are a burden to friends and family, and this leads many to fall into a depression or to feel unworthy of life.
So, how do we change these beliefs? By realizing that they are FALSE! These are self-perpetuated thoughts that are not true. Recognizing them as limiting beliefs is the first step to changing them. Understanding these thoughts are false is important. Creating positive affirmations and changing that thought process to more empowering beliefs will change your life. In my case, I remind myself that I am loved by my family and friends. I am worthy of the care I need. And I remind myself that if certain people view me in a burdensome light, that is THEIR beliefs, not mine!
Part of healing is recognizing your worthiness in this life. We are here for a reason, and we brighten the lives of those around us. It doesn't matter if you're in a wheelchair, or blind, or have epilepsy, or any other health condition. YOU are important! FEEL your value, deep inside of yourself and develop that love for not just yourself but the journey you face in this lifetime.
If you are interested in learning how to overcome these limiting beliefs and are familiar with guided meditation, I recommend watching this YouTube video by Dr. Joe Dispenza
I also have worksheets that can help you process ANY limiting beliefs you might have about yourself and give you the tools to learn to change your perspective and lead a healthier life. Sending you all Love and Light.